A.C.U Benevolent Fund
The motorcycling governing body’s Benevolent Fund, administered by an
independent committee of trustees under the umbrella of the ACU, assists
ACU members, officials and their families through financial difficulties.

It is a charity supported by donations and the sale of the TT Ben Fund Badges
available from the TT Supporters Club and not via an insurance fund.

In these difficult times the Benevolent Fund is called on to help road racers
and off-road competitors as well as race officials and their families, more often than in the past.

Any donation however small would be appreciated.
Please forward to:- Benevolent Fund. ACU House, Wood Street, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 2YX.

Or call 01788 566413 for further information

full list of official outlets.

Manx MCC
G.E.White (Including all their outlets)
Motorsport Merchandise 
Mannin Retail (Including all their outlets)
Book Company
Welcome Centre
Chree Brae Gifts
Sulby Glen Hotel
Promenade Shirts
Corkills Garage
TT Marshals Assoc.
Isle of Man Centre 
TT Supporters Club
ACU Office Rugby